Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fabric Love

I am in trouble. I just found out about this new online fabric store, (thanks Heidi!) and started drooling and pulling out the credit card as soon as I opened it. They have an extensive list of collections and designers. I love the tiered pricing system as well. Be sure to give them a look.


  1. Sorry ;) Well not really. It is a good store. I am currently boycotting JoAnne's because of all the hassels and bad service I have had there. I have had to become very creative on finding places online that can supply me with stuff. We do not have may local quilt shops that are open on weekday evenings when I am able to go shopping.

    Glad you could find stuff!

  2. I agree about JoAnne's, plus their selection is so "old ladyish" or something. I have one little local quilt shop, but her selection is limited to her space.
