Monday, June 28, 2010

Ahhh Summer!

Today is the start of the first official full week of being "off " for the summer.

My vision for this day:
  • Have my Chai tea on the deck in the cool morning air
  • Listen to Tim sing on the radio
  • Exercise
  • Make the kids a lovely breakfast
  • Sew
My reality:
  • too hot to have tea on the deck
  • kid in bed with a 100 degree fever
  • listened to Tim sign while taking kid's temperature
  • cleaned up dog pee - the dog apparently drank too much yesterday due to the heat and had an accident(the Nile) on the kitchen floor during the night
  • I have a splinter buried in the bottom of my foot which interferes with the whole walking and exercise thing
Thanks goodness my foot pedal foot is splinter free, the central air is A-O-K, and the sick kid isn't getting any sicker. I guess I had better just stay inside and sew.

Now that the Pillow Talk Swap pillow is safe and sound in the hands of its new owner, I can work on some of my other projects.

I really want to make a few more blocks and finish my Spider Web Quilt.

Have a Happy Monday!